Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Reach-Around Blogging!

I want to assure readers that I haven't transmogrified into an Andrew Sullivan myrmidon like the guys over at Ordinary Gentlemen!

Oh, gosh no. Don't worry, I haven't gone crazy with all my links to
Robert Stacy McCain. The thing is, Stacy - "The Hustler" I call him - has been blazing a blogging trail with all of his traffic-building innovations first outlined in his game-changing post, "How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog in Less Than a Year." The fact is, I've just been applying some of the strategies outlined therein, and dag nabbit, they work! Traffic is up considerable around here. Why, just today John Hawkins linked American Power as "blog of the day" from Conservative Grapevine. So, extending TrogloPundit's testimonial to the entire "million hits" program, "It works! R.S. McCain is a genius!"

I mean, I've got to admit, I had no idea
breast blogging was so popular! That's right, even the sweet young conservative hotties dig it, like Suzanna Logan and Monique Stuart! And these upstarts are getting noticed!

But almost as much fun as
Rule 5 hotness is Rule 4 blogging ("make some enemies"). Indeed, Dan Collins is a great admirer my own Rule 4 work, and TBogg gives me lots of opportunities to hone my craft! And I'm just getting started, I'm telling you! I've already gotten both Robert Farley and Dave Noon to say "No mas!," although Scott Lemieux's certainly making a bid to get into the ring. Others searching for material need look no further than Down With Tyranny!

In any case, I need to respond to Stacy's repudiation of Barack Obama's economic program (not to mention David Brooks' "
National Greatness"), for "Meghan and 'Progressive Republicans'").

So, until then, head on over to
Cheat Seeking Missiles or Mark Goluskin's for some great conservative commentary!

Oh, I almost forgot, Blazing Cat Fur, is, well, blazing!

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