Thursday, March 5, 2009

Should Steele Quit?

I can't say that Michael Steele's appointment as RNC chairman knocked my socks off. I didn't even write a post about at the time. I do have seriously questions about the man's intelligence and integrity, however, after he bashed Rush Limbaugh the other day.

Some bloggers have called for Steele's head, and now we've got a Dr. Ada Fisher of the RNC calling for Steele's resignation.

On MSNBC Wednesday, Norah O'Donnell discussed Steele's tenure so far with Jennifer Skalka of Hotline On Call (via

O'DONNELL: He's 30 days on the job, he's says he's made some mistakes. But the bigger question a number of Republicans here in Washington are raising is, there's no political director at the RNC, there's no finance director, that person just recently left. There's almost nobody left at the RNC, except a couple of consultants that are advising Steele. He says he's doing it to clean out the party and restart it anew, but is that part of the problem?

SKALKA: Well, I think part of the problem is that he's show-boating on television instead of doing some of the internal reorganizing that members want to see him doing. You know, he's got a big task ahead of him, from fund-raising to revamping the online operation for the party. There are some pretty -- pretty big tasks ahead and I think there are folks who want him to get to it and stay off the air for now.
Not to put too much faith in the memes coming out of MSNBC, but if Steele's not really doing PARTY ORGANIZATION, but rather public relations, it's truly going to be a "long winter."

(As to whether Steele should quit? Well, the party's already in deep disarray, so it's not as if GOP fortunes can sink that much lower. Give the guy another month or two - kind of like a "probationary period" - and see how things go in the meanwhile, especially with fundraising and committee staffing. It couldn't hurt to look around for someone with more charisma, in any case. If Republicans really do have a shot at picking up some seats in 2012, the party can't really afford more public relations fiascos like we've seen this week.)


Video Clip: RNC Chairman Michael Steele on
Sean Hannity's Show, via Gateway Pundit.

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