Monday, May 4, 2009

In Defense of "Rule 5"

Did readers know that American Power is actually one of the key inspirations for Robert Stacy McCain's "Rule 5" blogging? Yep, it's true. In response to this photo of Natalie Portman, posted March 2008, Stacy suggested that "Donald Douglas of American Power is a blogger after my own heart..."

Well, things have been taking off for Stacy since then. A lot of that has to do with his embrace of unapologetic "babe blogging," which is, of course, embodied in "Rule 5" of "How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog in Less Than a Year."

"Rule 4" of the program is "
make some enemies," and it turns out that said "unfriendlies" (friendly unfriendlies, actually) came out of the woodworks this weekend in response to Stacy's analysis of the Carrie Prejean breast implant story. Here's the post, with the key passage in defense of "Rule 5":
To assert that my Rule 5 blogging is sometimes indecorous is to state the obvious. Being indecorous is kind of the point. We live in a world constrained by political correctness, including the feminist insistence (backed by threat of federal lawsuit) that even the mildest workplace acknowledgement of a woman's beauty is vicious "harassment."

So it occurs to me that normal red-blooded guys might need some kind of "safe zone" exempt from this uptight neo-Victorianism. Out there in the cruel world, a guy could be professionally ruined if he were overheard to remark, "Hey, nice stems on that blonde." But here? Heh.
Read the whole thing, here (via Memeorandum). After laying out what's really ailing conservatives and the GOP (with a whole lot of asides), Stacy concludes:
Dear ladies, forgive me if my irreverent remarks about Carrie Prejean's fake boobies offended your delicate sensibilities. Please understand that years of youthful association with companions of low character have irretrievably corrupted me, rendering me permanently unfit for polite society.
Geez, I hope those hot shots of Bar Rafaeli don't get me in hot water with the ladies!

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