Friday, May 8, 2009

Louis Caldera Under the Bus!

I'm going with Jeff Goldstein's take on Louis Caldera's resignation as the Obama administration's Director of the White House Military Office, "Under the Bus": "Why, it’s almost as if one could find a theme emerging with this President ..."

But check out Michelle Malkin as well:

Here’s the official review of the incident. It does not cover DoD or FAA involvement. The report says “Initial planning” began in “March 2009 or earlier” without specifying who exactly initiated the planning and why. Caldera blames “severe back muscle spasms” and his recent return from a trip to Mexico for his failure to read e-mail concerning the mission. Also: He had a grand total of two email accounts. You can’t expect a crony paper-pusher to keep track of all that!

The White House report blamed “organizational” and “structural ambiguities” for the crony paper-pusher’s incompetence.

The White House also released
a photo. Your tax dollars at work.

See also, Top of the Ticket, "White House aide out after $357,012 photo-op with Air Force One," via Memeorandum.

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