Thursday, May 7, 2009

Old-Fashioned, Un-Subtle Bigotry Against Traditional Families

I'm learning new things about the culture wars all the time. For example, while reading William Jacobson's post, I learned just now that the term "breeder" is a derogatory epithet for heterosexuals. Jacobson cites Matthew Yglesias' attack on Republican Senator John Thune. Senator Thune said yesterday that a gay nominee for the Supreme Court would be too polarizing, and then the radical leftists went out and proved the point. According to Yglesias, "I doubt John Thune would vote for a breeder nominee either ..."

So, what's a "breeder"? Turning now to
Urban Dictionary for some illumination:

Slang term used by people of homosexual persuasion to refer to heterosexual couples, who have a significantly higher risk of contributing to the population increase than the homosexuals do.
Setting aside for the moment Yglesias' sexual orientation, there's a lot in that definition that's revealing of secular progressive ideology. It's not just that heterosexual norms are dominant in society, but that heterosexuals are at "risk" of having more babies, and thus "destroying" the environment.

I've been studying the left for sometime now, and the further you dig down into the nihilist epistemology of far-left wing collectivism, a comprehensive ideological framework does emerge. Gay marriage is the Trojan Horse of the radical postmodern ideological program. It's not just about granting "rights," as gay Americans are not a suspect class facing invidious discrimination. Redefining society's historic definintion of marriage paves the way for the destruction of the moral culture of right and wrong, good and evil.

Simply put, children and families are bad. Homosexual licentiousness is good.

See if you can figure that out in the context of the historic purpose of marriage as the institutional foundation for the regeneration of society.

God help this nation.

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