Thursday, September 24, 2009

Benjamin Netanyahu: 'What a Mockery of the Charter of the United Nations'

At Fox News, "Netanyahu Condemns U.N. for Allowing Ahmadinejad to Deliver Address":

Holding aloft evidence of Hitler's Final Solution, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday railed against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his denial of the Holocaust and scolded the United Nations for allowing Ahmadinejad to speak during its opening session of the 64th U.N. General Assembly.

With detailed reminders in hand of the war that sent 6 million Jews to their deaths in concentration camps, including construction blueprints for Auschwitz, Netanyahu took his turn at the dais to recall the agreement within the world body to create the Jewish state and express astonishment at what he witnessed a day earlier in that organization's great hall.

He commended those who boycotted Ahmadinejad's speech, but condemned those who allowed it.

"To those who gave this Holocaust denier a hearing, I say on behalf of my people. ... Have you no shame? Have you no decency?" Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu also scolded the United Nations for giving the Iranian president "legitimacy" just six decades after the Holocaust. Ahmadinejad addressed the body Wednesday, and in the run-up to the session repeated his belief that the Holocaust is a myth.

"What a disgrace," Netanyahu said. "What a mockery of the charter of the United Nations."

Netanyahu challenged the international community to step up and prevent Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons, but expressed broad disappointment with the United Nations.
The Wall Street Journal's story features a picture of Netanyahu hold aloft Nazi documents during the speech. See, "Netanyahu Blasts Ahmadinejad at U.N." And Haaretz, "Netanyahu Slams UN, Challenges It to Confront Iran." (via Memeorandum).

Also, Jennifer Rubin, "A Speech for the Ages" (via Memeorandum):

If the president’s speech was one of the more embarrassing and shameful displays by a U.S. President before the UN, then today brought a reminder of the power of moral clarity. Bibi Netanyahu delivered a scathing condemnation of those who sat and listened to Holocaust denier Ahmadinejad.
Check also Atlas Shrugs for the full-length videos, "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's UN Speech: 'But to those who gave this Holocaust-denier a hearing, I say on behalf of my people, the Jewish people, and decent people everywhere: Have you no shame? Have you no decency?' 'What a disgrace!'."

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