Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Congressman Claims Same-Sex Marriage is Push for Socialism: You Think?

From The Hill, "Congressman: Same Sex Marriage Part of Push for Socialism." (Via Memeorandum.)

Well yeah! It's about time someone in power said it!

Here's this from zombietime, "Protest Against Prop. 8 Gay Marriage Ruling: San Francisco, May 26, 2009":

And remember the big International ANSWER protests last November:

Join ANSWER in the Struggle to Overturn Prop. 8!
LGBT Equality Now! Keep the Struggle in the Streets!

Click Here to Volunteer to Overturn Prop. 8

The California Supreme Court upheld the bigoted Prop 8, denying same-sex couples the same rights granted to heterosexual couples. The decision is an outrage, plain and simple. No tiny, elite body of wealthy men and women should be able to decide the rights of millions of LGBT people, who suffer systematic discrimination. Let's be clear, with Prop. 8, the "people" have not spoken. The rich, right-wing religious institutions and other homophobes have tried to push an entire community back into the closet. Now, the California Supreme Court has joined them. As the politicians and courts capitulate to reaction and sell out the LGBT community, what’s needed is an independent, unified civil rights movement.

Despite these temporary setbacks, we can fight back and win! The wave of same-sex marriage victories the country shows that the clock will not be turned back on this struggle. We will soon be victorious in California and everywhere. But we can't do it alone. We need to stand together with all working people--gay and straight; women and men; Black, Latino, Asian, Arab, Native, white and everyone--because the struggle must grow as big and united as possible.

Prop 8 will only be overturned through mass opposition in the streets. The demonstrations today are a step in that direction, but we can’t stop here or wait for another referendum. We must stay in the streets if we are going to win. An injury to the LGBT community is an injury to all!

Click Here to Volunteer to Overturn Prop. 8

The ANSWER Coalition has played a key role in the fight to overturn Prop. 8. ANSWER organized the largest pro-LGBT protest in L.A. history on Nov. 8, 2008, just days after the bigoted ballot measure passed. It's time to march once again. No matter what the outcome is, we'll march for equality until discrimination and bigotry are defeated in California and throughout the U.S. Help us raise the level struggle for equality in the streets of Southern California. Let’s build a united people’s movement against war, racism, homophobia and sexism. An injury to one is an injury to all!

For more info call 213-251-1025 or email ...

Notice that this is the "struggle" for gay marriage, in the language of the workers of the world.

But get this: The lefties are up in arms!

At Raw Story, "Iowa Congressman: Same-sex Marriage 'A Purely Socialist Concept'." And at Think Progress, "King: Same-Sex Marriage Is ‘A Purely Socialist Concept’."

And what did Representative King actually say? Well ...

... if there’s a push for a socialist society, a society where the foundations of individual rights and liberties are undermined and everybody is thrown together, living collectively off of one pot of resources earned by everyone. That is, this is one of the goals they have to go to is same-sex marriage because it has to plow through marriage in order to get to their goal. They want public affirmation. They want access to public funds and resources. Eventually all those resources will be pooled because that’s the direction we’re going. And not only is it a radical social idea, it is a purely socialist concept in the final analysis.

Sounds about right to me, and given the overwhelming evidence that socialists and neo-Stalinists are the biggest proponents of gay marriage today, it looks like the outraged netroots hordes "got some 'splaining to do."

Oh, and don't miss teh stupid!! at Daily Kos.

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