Saturday, September 26, 2009

G-20 Communists on Hannity: 'I Support the People-Run Redistribution of Wealth'

Well "Free the Planet," the organization claimed by the two young women speaking with Sean Hannity last night, must be pretty secret. Clicking takes us to a Student PIRG action page. Here's the mission statement:

As college students, we are about to face big problems when we graduate - from global warming to endangered species, from the escalating cost and declining quality of health care to the plight of the hungry and homeless.
The PIRGs are originally Ralph Nader-inspired consumer advocacy organzations in the good government/populist strain. Now, obviously, PIRG activists have aligned with the most hardline socialist and neo-Stalinist revolutinary cells on the scene today. Interestingly, Nader himself was interviewed at Amy Goodman's communist media-outlet Democracy Now! earlier this week:

It’s the same old rut ... Amy, what is necessary by way of money, organizers in the field, strategy, smarts, determination to break this massive corporate-state gridlock that’s put our country into a paralysis. Our country is stuck in traffic. It is being prevented from solving many problems or diminishing them—public transit, housing, consumer protection, living wage, universal health insurance, single payer, all these corporate crime crackdowns. All of these are problems that can be addressed and solved, but not when there’s too much power in too few hands, who make the decisions for the many to the many’s disadvantage.

So we have to—we have to ask ourselves the question: What will it take to break through? What will it take to put the people back into their sovereignty? What will it take to make sure that we enforce the Constitution and we don’t get in these foreign military adventures that are unconstitutional, violate statutes and violate international treaties, not just under Bush-Cheney, but there’s an unseemly continuity in this area under the Obama administration.
In any case, watch the video above.

Obviously these two women have no clue as to the economic, political, and social foundations of modern liberal societies. They both look like healthy, clean, well-adjusted young women. I can only imagine the hardcore indoctrination they've received growing up, with teachers and radical agitators expounding the evils of capitalism over and over again until the cows come home. At one point, the woman at left says she wants a "people-run redistribution of wealth," that is, the socialist-state system that expropriates property and redistributes wealth "from each according to ability, to each according to need."

Hey, (dumb) workers of the world, unite!

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