Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Whoopi Goldberg Backlash: Where is the Liberal Outrage? Where's America's?

From the Heritage Foundation, "Hollywood’s Selective Values: Where is the Liberal Outrage?"

Yesterday, Whoopi Goldberg decided America needs two definitions of rape. First there is the rape of women that is tolerated by the left because it is committed by someone creative. And then there is everything else. When asked about Roman Polanski’s arrest and potential extradition to the United States following his 31 years spent as a fugitive in Europe, Whoopi said on her program The View: “I know it wasn’t rape-rape,” and went on to say, “We’re a different kind of society. We see things differently. The world sees 13 year olds and 14 year olds in the rest of Europe… not everybody agrees with the way we see things…” and finally, “Would I want my 14-year-old having sex with somebody? Not necessarily, no.” Not necessarily? Where can we nominate Whoopi for mother of the year?
Frankly, this episode illustrates all that is wrong with popular morality today - and all that is wrong with Democratic values. These are the same folks who are coddling Latin American dictators:

Sometimes I don't know what to think anymore. And so, I just fight back. I refuse to let the contemporary left destroy our country. (See, "Venezuela President Hugo Chavez Turns on the Charm for Courtney Love at Oliver Stone Screening").

And more Democratic values, "
Powerful Player Joins Polanski Team" (via Memeorandum):
While a backlash emerged Tuesday among French politicians of all stripes about whether their government and others should have rushed to embrace the cause of the jailed film director Roman Polanski, his American legal team picked up an influential new member: the lawyer Reid Weingarten, a well-known Washington power player and close friend and associate of Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.

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