Monday, October 19, 2009

Disastrous WaPo Health Survey: 7 in 10 Say ObamaCare 'Would Increase the Federal Budget Deficit' - Plus, 85 Percent Now Have Health Coverage!

Radical leftists are going to have a field day with these numbers, no matter how flawed the poll design.

A new Washington Post
survey finds 57 percent of Americans would support "having the government create a new health insurance plan to compete with private health insurance plans..."

The poll also shows that a statistically insignificant majority of 51 percent favors a "a law that requires all Americans to have health insurance, either getting it from work or buying it on their own?"

But in a follow up question, a huge majority rejects taxing the insurance plans of affluent Americans:
One idea would put a tax on the most expensive health insurance policies. (Supporters say this would help pay for health care reform, and encourage insurers to offer cheaper policies.) (Opponents say this would make these policies too expensive for people who want them.) Would you yourself support or oppose this tax?
Sixty-one percent of Americans oppose the idea.

Also, nearly 7 in 10 Americans believe ObamaCare socialized medicine will balloon the federal deficit:
Just your best guess, do you think health care reform would increase the federal budget deficit, decrease it, or have no effect? (IF INCREASE) Do you think that would be worth it, or not?
Sixty-eight percent said health reform would increase the federal budget deficit.

Interestingly, 85 percent of respondents said they "have some form of health insurance or health care coverage," which means there is no catastrophic healthcare crisis, as President Obama has trying to argue all year.

For some of the early socialist lies on this, see Firedoglake, "
Americans Care More About Having Public Option than Gaining Snowe’s Vote," and Plum Line, "WaPo Poll: Majority Wants Public Option More Than Bipartisanship For Its Own Sake."

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