Friday, October 30, 2009

Michele Bachmann on Hannity: House PelosiCare is 'Crown Jewel of Socialism'

I tweeted this at 6:00pm:
'Crown jewel of socialism' - Michele Bachmann on Hannity now describing the Obam'ntion of PelosiCare in Congress. 'Only one week to stop it'
Now Gateway Pundit's got the video, "Michelle Bachman on Pelosi Health Care Bill: 'This Is the Crown Jewel of Socialism'":


Rep. Michelle Bachman is calling all Americans to join her on the steps of the Capital Building in Washington DC on Thursday November 5th to stop “the Crown Jewel of Socialism” – the democrat’s bill to take over the US health care industry.
See also, Power Line, "Do They Need the Public Option?" (via Memeorandum).

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