Monday, October 26, 2009

Gingrich Doubles-Down Support for RINO Scozzafava: Attacks Conservatives as Hoffman Surges in NY-23

I thought Newt Gingrich was one of the sharpest analysts in contemporary politics? He's not looking too bright right now, and in fact, he's downright stupid if he's now seriously contemplating entry into the race for the 2012 GOP nomination.

Last week the former House Speaker came out in favor of electing RINO Dede Scozzafava to Congress from New York's 23rd congressional district. And now Gingrich is stepping up his attacks on the grassroots/tea party base, and amazingly, this is just as public support is putting Hoffman on top in the polls.

From the Politico, "
Newt Gingrich: Doug Hoffman Support a 'Mistake'":
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is warning conservative activists that their support for a third-party candidate in a key upcoming New York special election is a “mistake.”

In a video captured last week and posted on YouTube Friday, Gingrich told tea party organizer Lisa Miller at a book-signing event that conservatives are inadvertently hindering the cause by backing Conservative Party nominee Doug Hoffman over Dede Scozzafava, the Republican Party’s nominee.

“I just think it is a mistake for the conservative movement to think splitting in the special election is a smart idea,” Gingrich said. “If we give that seat to the Democrats, shame on us.”

A number of top national conservative voices have endorsed Hoffman in the last week, while others have yet to weigh in on behalf of either candidate. Gingrich, however, is one of the few prominent conservatives to support Scozzafava.

Asked why he chose to back Scozzafava, who supports abortion rights, same sex marriage and has ties with local labor leaders, Gingrich responded, “Let’s just start with she is the nominee of the local party. My bias is to be for the nominee of the local party, and I don’t second guess the local party.”
His bias is obviously toward radical lefist ideological carpetbaggers.

More later ...

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