Saturday, October 24, 2009

San Francisco Protestors Denounce Olmert as 'War Criminal'‎, Attempt Citizens' Arrest

Radical activists attempted a "citizens' arrest" of former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmertj during his speech to the World Affairs Council in San Francisco this week. The San Jose Mercury News has the report, "Ex-Israeli Prime Minister Heckled on San Francisco Visit":

Protesters heckled former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert during a speech in San Francisco Thursday, denouncing him as a war criminal and demanding his arrest.
As soon as Olmert took the stage at the Westin St. Francis Hotel — and following a warning by the discussion's moderator that no disturbances would be tolerated — a woman and man rose from their seats and shouted: "war criminal," "mass murderer."

Minutes after they were pushed out by police, another person stood up and yelled, "Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

All in all, more than 20 people interrupted Olmert's 90-minute appearance, during which he answered questions on Middle East peace, Iran, the Lebanon War in 2006 and last winter's Gaza offensive, which was the point of attack for the protesters.
The protest was sponsored by all the hardline anti-Israel groups, including Code Pink "Women for Peace," who I reported last night were granted access to President Barack Obama during his recent fundraising trip to San Fran. See,"Jodie Evans and the Obama-Hollywood-Terrorist Connection."

And if you'll notice at the video, the San Francisco chapter of the Hamas-backing International ANSWER Coalition was out in force.

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