Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Advice for Obama's State of the Union

This clip is from the House Republican Conference:

That's Conference Chairman Mike Pence, who is introduced as a "moderate." I'm not exactly sure what that is, since I'm not very familiar with Mike Pence. But he's certainly right that the administration doesn't get it.

I like watching the SOTU for the majesty of the event, frankly. While the importance of the speech can be debated (check the links below), I'm fascinated by the notion that this is the one time when you can actually see the entire U.S. government together in one place (and I still love the ritual of the "
designated survivor," when at least one cabinet secretary skips the president's speech and instead is whisked away to a secret location with a briefcase containing the nation's nuclear launch codes).

Anyway, Jennifer Rubin makes a great case for lowering expecations, "
When Conventional Liberalism Fails, What Next?"

And for those libertarian readers I seem to be picking up, check Matt Welch and Nick Gillespie, "
Advice to Barack Obama by Two People Who Didn't Vote for Him (or John McCain)."

I'll naturally comment on the speech itself, so check back later.

RELATED: From the Washington Post, "President to Address GOP Opponents Directly." (Via.) And Reaganite Republican, "State of the Union Address 2010" (live streaming).

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