Saturday, January 23, 2010

Obama Approval and Disapproval at 47 Percent...

Instead of giving some big analysis of how wrong Frank Rich is at his latest New York Times column, I'm simply going to post the link to Gallup's daily presidential tracking poll, along with Weasel Zippers' entry, "Good News: Gallup Daily Poll Has Obama Approval And Disapproval at 47%....":

Also worth a look is Newsbusters, "When Bush Plummets in Polls, It's News - Obama, Not So Much."

But here's Frank Rich, in any case, "
After the Massachusetts Massacre." It's not the most hysterically screeching rant Rich has ever penned. But he's still spinning in all the wrong directions (and blaming the banks ain't going get the administration off the hook). All danger signs point to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. As I said earlier, "Bye Bye Obama." That's the message, plain and simple. Wait 'till November. It'll be interesting to see what Frank Rich has to say at that time ...

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