Friday, February 26, 2010

Captain Fogg Just Can't Go Long!

You know how it is with bullying blowhards.

They talk a real tough talk, but when it's time to walk the walk they go limp. And so it is with Captain Fogg of the Swash Zone (pictured below). This guy started throwing his weight around in my comments, spewing lies about how conservatives block his responses in comment moderation:

It's probably a shame that none of his readers will ever see what I actually wrote to the Donald, nut only the patched together redaction wrapped around a bundle of straw with a target painted on it. He and his cohorts who scream about censorship all use comment moderation and nothing I've written to them, no matter how rational or sincere an attempt at communication ever see the light of day until it's been gutted, skinned and had horns grafted on to the carcass.
Well, I administered the most devastating smackdown seen around these parts in some time -- and that's saying something, considering how many leftists I've hammered for their libelous smears. Anyway, see my post on Old Foggy: "Leftists Are Liars, and I'll Show You..."

But being such a big pussy, the despicable Captain never did take responsibility for spreading his effluence. No sir. Instead, he slinked back over to his yellow-bellied home turf at Swash Zone to do some more trash-talking. Here's the Captain
last Monday:

Ah - he's just another chancre on the big, ugly ass of American reactionary politics. He hopes that if he's ugly enough himself, people will mistake him for the ass itself. They won't, the big ass lives in Palm Beach, this guy is nobody.

Responding to him is pointless. The more sincere and obviously correct you are, the more straw he has to burn but if he thinks I'm intimidated, or threatened or impressed, he's crazier than I thought. He needs that job and any actual attempt to slander or god forbid,physically intimidate me would be the end of his miserable and tawdry career.

My only regret is that if it hadn't been for the recession, I might have been able to buy Long Beach Community college and shut it down, letting him look for employment with a resume' sticky with all the things he's said. We can be sure no legitimate school would hire him
And here's another comment later that afternoon:

In consideration of the accusations he's made against us, it seems unseemly and preposterous to defend the man's "rights." Did he take a moments care to prevent his libelous accusations from doing me any harm? No, he hides behind and abuses some archaic academic bulwark to avoid responsibility. Tenure is not license to libel and that's what he does. This goes far beyond expressing an opinion by inflaming people to foment armed insurrection.

We owe him nothing and humanity is far better off without his stench
Whoo boy yessiree! Ain't that a tantrum!

Mean too. For a radical leftist, that's not so compassionate, wanting to shut down an entire community college just to spite one little old neoconservative! Obviously, all that trashing clouds the thinking processes. Shoot, no doubt Old Captain's suffering from quite a few physiological breakdowns altogether! I suspect the big blowhard is compensating for other inefficiencies and insecurities -- yep, that's right: Captain Foggy can't go long!

So, I'm imploring the Old Captain to think carefully about Coach Jimmy Johnson's sales pitch up top: That's right. Fogg should call the good folks over at ExtenZe® at
800-298-3171. They'll help him get back on track with increased power, pleasure and performance.

And the sooner the better, really. I'd rather not have to embarrass the guy too much more. Besides, I want him to be happy -- "All You Need is Love!"

So, don't delay, Fogg. Operators are waiting!

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