Monday, February 22, 2010

Kathleen McKinley at CPAC!

Kathleen McKinley, my co-blogger at Right Wing News, is back from CPAC and she has a fabulous report, with tons of great pictures:

Glenn Beck best summed up the feelings of the people at CPAC. He blasted the Republican party. He said the Democrats were the party of "Tax and Spend," while the Republicans were just the party of "Spend," and it's got to stop. He said the Republicans better wake up and get it. He was cheered throughout. He brought his blackboard. He explained that "progressivism" is a disease eating away at our country. In both parties. He told the story of how we got the Statue of Liberty. He spoke of how the Statue of Liberty's feet have chains around them, broken, and she is stepping forward into freedom. He read the part we all know.."Give me your huddled masses," but he read much more and it was...beautiful. In the end this is all about love for our country. It is about loving the idea that our founding father's had of a country of freedom and opportunity for all. In the end, we see our country as diminishing into something we don't recognize. I honestly didn't hear Obama's name much at all. He is only part of a much bigger problem. The problem of seeing the government as the answer, instead of understanding that it is the problem. I hope Republican politicians got it. I hope they got the message. Because understanding it means a big win this year. Understanding it means we take our country back ...


One of the best posts out of CPAC this year! Yo go, Kathy!

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