Friday, February 26, 2010

The Coffee Party Movement

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I doubt tea partiers could care one whit about the homage the "Coffee Party Movement" pays to conservative activists. I mean, seriously, this woman, Annabel Park, a recent Korean immigrant, puts a kinda every-woman gloss on the Joan Walsh-Keith Olbermann-Janeane Garofalo "racist tea-bagger" smears we've been hearing for a year now. Indeed, it's offensive to hear her basically allege that tea partiers reject diversity. Olbermann's already been hammered from all quarters for his idiot rant a couple of weeks ago. Frankly, we'd see more diversity on the conservative right except for the victimology stranglehold that's inculcating a grievance ideology and cultist politics among minority communities today. And when minorities break out of that death-grip, they're branded as racist "minority front groups" for the hegemonic white supremacist power structure. It's pretty contorted, but listen to Miss Park sing it! She hits all the right notes about the left's "reality-based" program and she excoriates the "extremist" politics of the tea partiers. Hmm ... you get the feeling that in fact she's a tool herself, of the Obama power-cult of Daily mind-crush totalitarians.

In any case, no one's fooled by this woman's simplistic diversity-based charm. But FWIW, see WaPo's piece, "Coffee Party Activists Say Their Civic Brew's a Tastier Choice Than Tea Party's." (Via Memeorandum.) And see Moonbattery, "Progressive "Coffee Parties" Let the Crap Fly."

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