Sunday, February 28, 2010

One Year Anniversary of the Tea Party Movement

Via Free Republic, more from yesterday's event, at The Californian, "TEMECULA: Protesters Decry Big Government":

Plus, the Temecula Valley Tea Party Patriots have posted additional pictures.

And from around the country:

First, check out El Marco's, "
AMERICA’S TEAPARTY MOVEMENT: Happy Birthday to the Party of HELL NO!"

And from the Asheville Tea Party, "
Successful Kickoff Party for Asheville Tea PAC":

Here's raw video from Gateway Pundit, "1,500 Rally at St. Louis Tea Party Coalition Anniversary Protest":

Also, at Moonbattery, "Dallas Tea Party," and Urban Infidel, "New York City Tea Party One Year Anniversary 2010."

Plus, the
Temecula Valley Tea Party Patriots have posted additional pictures.

And this sign from
Geobent says it all:

Also, at the Dallas Morning News, "Dallas Tea Party Crowd's Message is Clear: 'We're Not Gonna Take It'," and the Detroit Free Press, "How Far Can Tea Party Rise?" And at the New York Times, "Unlikely Activist Who Got to the Tea Party Early" (via Glenn Reynolds).

ADDED BONUS: Founding Bloggers, "
BREAKING NEWS: Pelosi Attacks Tea Partiers, Again!"

MORE: At Pajamas Media, "Today We Are One: Photos from the Tea Party’s One-Year Anniversary." And Kimberly Dvorak, at Red County, "Tea Parties Mark Their One-Year Anniversary – Rain or Shine." And at FactReal, "Miami Celebrates 1-Year Anniversary of the Tea Party Movement – 2/27/2010."

Also, on the San Diego event, see Temple of Mut, "
TSUNAMI Tea Party: SAN DIEGO 2010."

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