Friday, September 3, 2010

Leftists Create False Controversy Involving '9/11 Families' Against Ground Zero Mosque Protest

We've got something of a protest against the protest of the Ground Zero Mosque on the anniversary of 9/11. And this guy leading the charge at the clip, David Paine, isn't actually a "9/11 family member." He's a left-wing organizer piggybacking off the loved ones, and he's long campaigned against conservative moral clarity on 9/11 (at the Huffington Post sleaze-hole, for example):

But check out the statement from the 9/11 Parents & Families of Firefighters & WTC Victims:
“While we respect the rights and opinions of others, we feel that no one should attempt to inhibit the expression of free speech for the large number of 9/11 family members who wish to participate in opposing the construction of this mosque and cultural center,” Riches and Regenhard wrote.

“This project represents a gross lack of sensitivity to the 9/11 families and disrespects the memory of all those who were murdered at the WTC both in 1993 and 2001.”

“We affirm that the 9/11 Anniversary is a very special and precious commemoration for all of us. However, we feel that by attending and participating in this rally, families can endeavor to ensure that the sacred ground will continue to be respected for posterity.”

“Many of our family members feel that they have a moral obligation to their loved ones to raise their voices as the world looks upon us and sees our plight.”
Check the link for the list of signatories, including Debra Burlingame, who wrote last week against Mayor Bloomberg's crass pro-jihad grandstanding:
It is bad enough that Mr. Bloomberg covers himself in the memory of the heroes who died on 9/11 in order to silence legitimate criticism of the mosque project, it is even more shameless of him to do it while misrepresenting the position of their loved ones. Mr. Bloomberg cited that his chairmanship of the memorial board made him privy to what family members think. Mr. Bloomberg knows full well that family members on the memorial board have grave concerns about this project, and that some of us have publicly opposed it. If he really cared what we think, he would have come to us and asked. We’re still waiting for the call.

Mr. Bloomberg has now crossed the line from merely supporting the mosque to participating in a public campaign aimed at silencing its critics. He has improperly invoked private conversations of 9/11 family board members who, unfortunately, are all too aware of his power, both as chair of the foundation which will memorialize their loved ones and as mayor of a city where that memorial will be built. He is recklessly wreaking havoc among families, running from media event to radio interview to photo op to Comedy Central gagfest, shamelessly hawking this narrative that we, those whose family members were the true victims of religious intolerance, must also carry the burden of proving we’re not intolerant. He’s a disgrace.
See also, "FDI: 9/11 Families Support Ground Zero Mega-Mosque Rally of Remembrance on 9/11."

New Yorkers Oppose Ground Zero Mosque by Two-Thirds Margin."

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