Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Radical Environmentalist is Suspect in Discovery Channel Seige — UPDATE!! Gunman James Lee is Dead

Nice Deb has the story, "Crazed, Anti-Life, Environmental Wacko Holds Seige In Discovery Channel Building Near DC":

I can’t help but notice how similar his ideas are to Obama’s Science Czar, John Holdren’s.

Discovery Channel

More at AoSHQ, "Radical Environmentalist Demanding Discovery Channel Stop Promoting Births of "Human Parasites" (aka 'Human Beings')."

And at WaPo, "
Police: Hostage situation ends after suspect shot."

'Discovery' Gunman Ordered to Mental Institution in '08."

UPDATE: At ABC News, "Environmental Militant Killed by Police at Discovery Channel Headquarters." (Via Memeorandum.)

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