Friday, March 18, 2011

The Left's Enduring Shame

I want to take another moment and really rub dolt-douche Thers' face in it. Like Scott Eric Kaufman, no doubt this guy would do Itamar-style violence to conservatives if he could. People like this --- Thers, SEK, and more --- are consumed by ideological bigotry. It's a vile blackness that warps both reason and compassion. And of course it's impossible to argue with them, for they promptly retreat into their bestial comment-thread cocoons, where the likes of REPSAC = CASPER spew the devil's frenzied caterwauls of hate. So here we have --- today and over the last few weeks --- the "empirical reality" of a systematic, widely reported progressive descent into newfound depths of pathological hatred. In response, again and again, Thers has issued bald-faced lies declaiming the seething demonology. Just today he's got two posts smearing Ann Althouse, who had the temerity to denounce the militant manifesto that announced: "WE WILL FUCK YOU UP!" Baseballs on the lawn seemed to be the out for Thers, making it easy to dismiss Shankman's threat to "beat the ever loving shit out of" Meade if he dared to "to get all tough with us." More innocent baseballs, no doubt.

In any case, check Patterico, "
The Greatest Blog Post Ever Written?" And the topic there, which I found earlier, is Lee Stranahan's essay at Huffington Post, "Shame: Ignoring Death Threats to Wisconsin Politicians Is Media Bias." It's best to just read it in full. And after that, head over to the dude's Twitter feed. The guy's way left wing, but different: He's honest and willing to denounce the violent advocacy that's become the signature identity of today's progressives.

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