Monday, March 21, 2011

Sarah Palin Meets With Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Yid With Lid has the video from Governor Palin's visit to the Temple Mount yesterday.

And just in from Los Angeles Times, "Sarah Palin, in Jerusalem, Affirms Her Support for Israel":

Laying a foundation for a prospective presidential bid, Sarah Palin wrapped up an abbreviated tour of India and Israel on Monday, meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and declaring her fidelity to the Israeli people.

Earlier in her two-day sojourn to Israel, Palin toured the sacred Western Wall and its adjacent tunnels in Jerusalem's Old City, and appeared to contend that Israelis were too deferential to Arab concerns.

"Why are you apologizing all the time?" the former Alaska governor asked her guides at the wall, according to the Jerusalem Post, after being told that Jews were not allowed to pray openly on the Temple Mount and about the Arab riots that followed Netanyahu's opening of an exit from the tunnels in 1996.

Palin's drive-by trip to Asia and the Middle East were viewed as a means to bolster her foreign policy credentials at a time when the 2012 Republican landscape is beginning to take some shape. Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty announced the formation of an exploratory committee Monday.

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