Saturday, March 19, 2011

Middle East Turmoil Messes Up Progressive Foreign Policy

There's a lot out there on this, so it's a surplus of fodder for hammering progressive moral bankruptcy in foreign policy. Note first how Glenn Reynolds couldn't resist pointing out the laughable hypocrisy of Andrew Sullivan (yeah, I know, the world's moved on from Sully, but it's irresistible):
ANDREW SULLIVAN, who once complained that Bush wasn’t interested enough in invading Iraq, is now unhappy with Obama on Libya. Yeah, I know, who cares — but it’s worth recording for posterity.

That second link goes to Sully's post, "The Imperial President." And you gotta love this:

To launch a war on these grounds is to set a precedent that would require a kind of global power and reach that not even the most righteous neocons have pushed for.

Really? I guess Sully's not hip to Great Satan's Girlfriend!

More on that later.

I'm especially tripping on Hillary Rodham Clinton, who's basically said "f**k this s**t" on Obama's FUBAR foreign policy. See New York Times, "
Shift By Clinton Helped Obama Take a Harder Line" (via Memeorandum). And just breaking, "France Sends Military Flights Over Libya."

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