Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sadly No! Tintin Attacks Community Colleges as 'Shitty'

Progressive asshat Tintin at Sadly No! took to Twitter to slam community colleges as "shitty," and also to slam me personally as lacking, or something. The Twitter exhange is here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

The key screencaps pretty much tell it all, in any case. Community colleges are obviously not "shitty," hence my use of quotation marks. Tintin's a liar, and not too bright, Sadly No!



These are totally unoriginal attacks, by the way. Demon TBogg has long slurred junior colleges, and folks might remember the progressive demonosphere's "I can't believe he's really a professor" attacks on this blog: "You're a Professor, Really?"

Sigh. Progressives, they don't really care about the poor or disadvantaged. They care only about leveraging their totalitarian agenda --- and enabling terrorist savages.

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