Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer: 'The Ground Zero Mosque - The Second Wave of the 9/11 Attacks', Calvary Chapel, Mission Viejo, April 9, 2011

Okay, the pictures below are from last night's screening and presentation of Pamela and Robert's film, "The Ground Zero Mosque - The Second Wave of the 9/11 Attacks." The crowd in attendance was mostly baby-boomers and retirees. But folks were passionate and very receptive of the program. This was the first time I'd seen the whole thing through. (I saw the first 10 minutes of the movie at CPAC.) It's an excellent documentary which deserves a wide screening. And during the Q & A, Pamela and Robert again developed their theme of combating the lamestream media's enabling of sharia at home. Of course Pamela's talk was outstanding as usual. She reminded the audience that if we want to preserve our country and our security, we have to do it ourselves. "When you wake up in the morning, after rubbing the sleep from your eyes, ask yourself what are you going to do today to save the republic?" She got lots of applause. And for good reason. It's shocking sometimes to see things in their totality, but the movie does that, illustrating what's essentially media malpractice --- and then Pamela and Robert bring it all home at the wrap-up discussion. Now, while Pamela was pleased to report that so far not a brick has been laid at the Cordoba Mosque, er, Park51 initiative, the battle is far from over. And another protest is planned for Ground Zero on September 11th. We're going to need it. See, for example, the lastest whitewash on the Hamas-backing Ground Zero developer Sharif El-Gamal at the April 5th Los Angeles Times, "The Man Behind the Manhattan Mosque."






More later ...

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