Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cases in Lieberman Derangement

The Democratic leadership is on the verge of stripping Senator Joseph Lieberman of his chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee. There's a big uproar on this around the leftosphere today, focusing on Senator Byron Dorgan's interview this morning on Fox News Sunday, where the North Dakota Democrat denounced his Senate colleague.

Mike Lukovich on Lieberman

Next to President Bush and John McCain, Lieberman's probably the most reviled member of the hated BushCo pro-war cabal in Washington.

Check the links for yourself,

I just thought this would be a good time to share
this reaction to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's cartoon of Lieberman above:

Mike Luckovich’s cartoon showing the Democratic donkey with a knife driven into its back by Sen. Joe Lieberman may be the most disgusting and perverse I have seen from his pen... I could remind Luckovich it was Lieberman’s own party (the Democrats) who abandoned him for supporting the war in Iraq and ran a picked rival against him in the primary.

Lieberman “betrayed” them by winning the general election and returning to his Senate seat. Once there, he has caucused and voted with the Democrats and has not transferred his allegiance to the Republican Party (where he would be more than welcome). Apparently, for Luckovich, dissent from the Democratic Party line and holding to one’s principles constitute “a knife in the back.”


Powder Springs
Lieberman's situation is one more example of the left's jihad against any and all remants of conservative power in America?

Recall Barack Obama's call for transcending partisanship?
Here's a good opportunity for Democrats to make good on the theme, although I'm not holding my breath.

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