Friday, November 14, 2008

Direct Action Cells Organize Nationwide Prop 8 Protests

International ANSWER and the Independent Media Center, two radical organizations at the center of the global anti-American network, are key sponsors of the nationwide protests against California's Proposition 8 scheduled for tomorrow.

Another direct action group,
Bash Back, advocates throwing Molotov Cocktails until "we get real hope and change..."

A number of radical left-wing bloggers are also organizing for tomorrow's demonstrations, including Pam Spaulding, Firedoglake, and Whiskey Fire.

Hat tip: Jawa Report.

Related: Daily Kos announces "Seven Weeks to Equality":

... a 7 week campaign to demand legislators and President-elect Obama write and submit to Congress a comprehensive civil rights act protecting the full and equal rights of all LGBT Americans.

This is all a part of the new culture war that's been unleashed by the left following the election of Barack Obama to the presidency - and we haven't seen anything yet.

See also, "
Protests to Be a Key Test for Proposition 8 Opponents."

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