Thursday, November 13, 2008

County-Level Vote Data on Proposition 8

Here's the vote breakdown on Proposition 8 for Orange County, my home:

Orange County Prop 8 Vote

For other counties across the state, click here.

Look at the Orange County vote above. Notice how opposition to Proposition 8 - in lavender - is concentrated in South County liberal bastions, especially the Laguna Beach gay enclave and Aliso Viejo, as well as the Irvine area, with the University of California within that territory. Other than that, some of the more economically-challenged parts of the county to the north showed tremendous support for the Yes on 8 side.

the city-by-city results show huge traditional majorities in towns like Santa Ana and Westminster (61.82 and 65.74 percent, respectively), which are ethically diverse communities, with a Latino majority in Santa Ana and a large conservative, anti-communist Vietnamese community in Westminster.

On the no side, only Laguna Beach recorded a larger majority, at 68 percent, and only three other cities recorded a bare majority vote in oppostion of the amendment (Costa Mesa, in addition to Irvine and Aliso Viejo, as note above).

What's striking, really, is that Orange County's more traditional working-class and minority communities reflected the larger trends across the state, for exampe, which included 70 percent of black voters supporting the Yes on 8 campaign.

Meanwhile, a
huge web-based protest campaign is gearing up for a new round of protests this weekend, and the activists are getting a reputation for in-your face opposition.

At some point, the increasing radicalism of the gay-marriage movement will damage its own cause, and some of the episodes of activists calling black passers-by the "n-word" certainly presage the kind of racist totalitarianism that's inherent in the overwhelming affluent white gay constituency supporting same-sex marriage in California, with radical fringe groups like International ANSWER providing the organizational cells at the grassroots.

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