Friday, November 14, 2008

Gay Marriage Activists Escalate Campaign of Intimidation

Gay marriage protesters have escalated their boycott of business concerns who contributed to the passage of Proposition 8. The left's backlash is now a full-on campaign of intimidation and vengeance.

Prop 8 Boycotts

The photo above show hundreds of activists protesting at the El Coyote restaurant on Beverly Boulevard in Los Angeles. Marjorie Christoffersen, a daughter of El Coyote's owner, gave $100 to the Yes on 8 campaign.

Christofferson is Mormon. She met with protesters Wednesday night to explain her contribution to the ballot measure, but was brought to tears by the angry recriminations against her, and she left town to avoid further attention and controversy.

The No on 8 forces also targeted Robert Hoehn, among others, a vice-president at Hoehn Motors in Carlsbad, after he gave $25,000 of his own money to the Yes on 8 campaign.

Hoehn was identified on the "dishonor roll"
Californians Against Hate, clearly an Orwellian attack outfit, considering that the group seeks to intimidate those who have exercized their constitutional rights to support a political campaign of their choice.

For some of the additional groups targeted, check the story at
the Los Angeles Times.

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