Saturday, September 5, 2009

Adolf Hitler AIDS Awareness Advert: Latest in Global Left's Moral Equivalency

For some reason, most of the commenters on the "AIDS is a Mass Murderer" ad spot (produced by Germany's Regenbogen e.V.) are focusing on matters more of artistic style and taste than on the ad's essential demonology. John Hawkins comes closest to my thoughts on this in describing the spot as "a pro-Hitler commercial."

According to London's Telegraph:

The commercial has been released to coincide with 2009 World Aids Day, but established HIV/Aids charities have distanced themselves from its message, saying that it could make life more difficult for sufferers.
Yeah, just a bit, you think?

Actually, this ad's just one more specimen of the global left's culture of postmodern relativism. We just had the big uproar this last week over the World Wildlife Fund's despicable ad
desecrating the memory of 9/11. As Darleen Click argued, this is how the collectivists kill morality. Social and political standards are reduced to a socio-economic leveling. Universal truth and goodness are abandoned. It's bad enough that the ad - basically a porn clip - is scheduled to run on German television. But the spot practically gives Nazi sex a certain cachet. It's got a fit and pumping Adolf, hammering away on a hottie, and it's not until the last moment in which we see the creepy grin and the message scrolled across the screen, "AIDS is a mass murder." There's a jarring incommensurability between what is a naturally-occuring pandemic disease on the one hand, and the ideology and regime that developed the world's most advanced system of industrial murder on the other.

Here we have Hitler as pop culture pitchman for safe sex. And as Ed Driscoll suggests, "there’s virtually no aspect of postmodern life that hasn’t become politicized." I would just change that last adjective to "demonized." It's all just so mind-boggling. It reminds me of the everyday blogging we see from the folks at
Sadly No! and TBogg. Everyday evil, in easy-glide style. Repulsive.

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