Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Classic: 'Newshoggers' Applauds Death of Marines in Afghanistan - Evidence of 'New Quagmire'

This is just what you'd expect from one of most despicable antiwar blogs on the web. McClatchy reports that "4 U.S. Marines Die in Afghan Ambush." And then here comes the nihilist Newshoggers to applaud the event as evidence that the U.S. is bogged down in another "quagmire":
The lesson the war supporters have learned from all of this is that the Rules Of Engagement suck ....

For the few who still remember Vietnam this should sound very familiar. Once you got out of the major cities in Vietnam the war wasn't about communism VS western capitalism it was about occupation by foreign troops. They supported the Viet Cong because they saw them as freedom fighters.

The lesson should be that we are in another quagmire - fighting another war that can't be won without killing most of the population.
Readers may recall that Newshoggers backed "the resistance" in Iraq, and literally cheered al Qaeda's use of mentally-impaired female suicide bombers as a "brilliant" strategic adaptation against American forces.

See also, The Western Experience, "Heads Should Roll Over Four Marines’ Death."

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