Sunday, September 6, 2009

Glenn Beck's Statement on Van Jones' Resignation

From Glenn Beck:

The American people stood up and demanded answers. Instead of providing them, the Administration had Jones resign under cover of darkness. I continue to be amazed by the power of everyday Americans to initiate change in our government through honest questioning, and judging by the other radicals in the administration, I expect that questioning to continue for the foreseeable future.
I'm heartened by Beck's use of the term "everyday Americans." That's the same descriptor I used earlier in my post, "Leftist Disbelief at Revolt of the Everyman: 'White House Dealing With Political Terrorists'."

Beck's creds are skyrocketing, by the way. Politico's got a new piece out, "
Glenn Beck Up, Left Down and Van Jones Defiant." The article's mostly a summary of the news that's been circling around today, but I love this passage:
"If Jones left under pressure from the Obama administration then we are in for a very long and painful four years,” said Melissa Harris Lacewell, a political science professor at Princeton University. “I would hate to think that Glenn Beck can simply shout down any member of the administration he chooses to target.”
Actuallly, Professor Lacewell shouldn't "hate to think" any such thing - that is, not if she's an advocate for a vigorous press as presidential watchdog. Glenn Beck has been doing for weeks what the mainstream press should have been doing all along: Shining a spotlight on the administration's staffers, their policies, and the history (and as we can see, Beck's not taking a breather just yet). Glenn Reynold's has more on the Politico's piece, here.

Another important resource has been World Net Daily, an outlet that's getting
less kudos than it should for its role in bringing down Jones. Joseph Farah has a piece up right now that's worth a look, "WND Brings Down the 'Red Czar'." As Farah notes, "While talk radio and cable television picked up WND's reporting and increased the pressure on the administration to cut Jones loose, there was no significant coverage of the scandal by the major U.S. news media until last week!"

That's an extremely important fact, and it's a point that's only going to become
more significant as the traditional "objective press" goes the way of the dinasaur.

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