Thursday, September 10, 2009

Little Green Footballs Pummeled From All Sides!

I just got word from YidWithLid that Charles Johnson is taking it on the chin yet again this week. See, "Little Green Footballs' Johnson Sinks Further Into the Abyss:"

For the last two years Johnson has been like the crazy old man who tries to alienate his family, but in his case he has been throwing bloggers out of his site. For some of them like Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer he not only cast them asunder, but he has continued to attack them.

The sad part of it is that he used to be a blogging giant, and when it comes to traffic, I am sure he still is. But with the growing list of people that he has banned from his site for the simple reason of disagreeing with his opinions or maintaining friendships with people he didn't like, Charles is losing the respect of much of the community.
Check the whole thing, here. It turns out that Robert Spencer has a new post up just hammering Johnson in what's the latest, but certainly decisive, offensive in the ongoing anti-jihad blogger wars. See Spencer's post here: "Libelblogger Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs Digs Deeper, Adding New Lies to His Original Ones."

One must step back and wonder: what is this man's game? Why would he make up lies, see them refuted by people who were present at the events he claims to know about, and then instead of backing down or at least falling silent, pile more lies upon his original ones? Inevitable questions arise about why he has embarked on this desperate smear campaign, intent on demonstrating that I and others are "fascists" or "fascist sympathizers," without a shred of actual evidence that I sympathize with or agree with any positions that are fascist, racist, etc., associate with any people who really are those things, or hold any positions other than the ones I have publicly avowed
Spencer provides personal testimony from folks who ultimately destroy Johnson's credibility, so be sure to check the post. But I love this concluding flourish:

He's a conscience-free smear merchant, a thuggish paranoid and a liar, but at least Charles Johnson is good for a few laughs.
I've actually been meaning to write something about recent flame war between Ace of Spades HQ and Johnson's Little Green Footballs. See AOSHQ, "And There You Go: Charles Johnson Spins for Van Jones," and "White House Politely Declines to Express Support in Van "Astronaut" Jones ... Bonus: Charles Johnson's Dan Rather Moment."

Also Ace notes that "This isn't personal. CJ has never done anything wrong by me." (See, "
Information on Truthers Zinn, Lerner, and Jones Comes from 'Hate Sites'?")

And you know, I'd bet most folks would say the same thing with respect to
Charles Johnson. I've never had an issue with him, but I have noticed how he's lost his marbles in his endless campaign against conservatives and those whose politics are informed by faith. Johnson's got issues, that's for sure. We all do, of course, but there's that uncomprising my-way-or-the-highway mentality at LGF that puts Charles in a class all by himself.

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