Tuesday, September 1, 2009

World Wildlife Fund 'Condemns' Award-Winning Ad Desecrating 9/11 Memory

Via Astute Bloggers, "World Wildlife Fund Runs Disgusting Ad Desecrating the Memory of 9/11." Check out this World Wildlife Fund advertisement created by affiliated ad agency DDB Brazil/Sao Paulo:

The New York Times reports, "Wildlife Group Condemns a 9/11-Tsunami Ad."

But The One Show lauded the ad with the "
Merit Award - Public Service/Political Print - Newspaper or Magazine - Single."

The ad's sales pitch

"The tsunami killed 100 times more people than 9/11. The planet is brutally powerful. Respect it. Preserve it."
Ed Morrissey responds:

Wow! Sounds like the Earth is the real terrorist ....

Whoever thought of trivializing and commercializing the murders of 3,000 people for an ad campaign about conservation needs to search deep within themselves to determine whether their soul exists.
But here's the thing: An ad like this is no big deal for the leftist establishment, and not just in Europe. This stuff is standard fare among the folks at Daily Kos, where they're known to celebrate "Happy Twin Towers Day." Moreover, in the non-shocker of the month, the Obama administration is busy with its push to eradicate the historical memory of September 11, which is alleged as a "Republican day and "an obstacle to winning over the hearts and minds of the American people."

So, forget this faux condemnation: The WWF ad is totally of a piece with both the ideological foundations of the global anti-American left AND the core agenda of the Obama administration's ideological program.


UPDATE: Reference to the BBC has been corrected ... credit to Repsac3.

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