Thursday, October 1, 2009

American Nihilist Defends Suspected Terrorist Najibullah Zazi: Blames U.S. Imperialism!

Here's more of the standard-fare anti-Americanism we can expect from the demonic boys at American Nihilist, "Locking up the Innocent." The piece is defending Najibullah Zazi, who has pled not guilty to allegations the he's the mastermind of what's being called "one of the most serious terrorist attacks on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001."

the comments, from Dr. Obama Biobrain:

The man pled not guilty, yet they're keeping him in jail anyway. What part of "not guilty" don't they understand? It might make sense to keep him locked up if he had admitted he was guilty, I mean, assuming he wasn't making a joke. But someone who says they're not guilty? What sort of justice system is this? Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence?

And the main thing to remember is that this guy's an Afghan immigrant, so we really owe him something. After all, we sent our imperialist troops to his country, sullying his native land with our impure materialism and infidel religion, and we were guilty as hell. Yet our troops roam free, even after admitting to the murders of thousands of his people, while this guy remains locked up for merely wanting to murder ours.
In other words, Americans deserve whatever Zazi and his allies are ready to dish out.

Great. Real patriots over there at American Nihilist.

For the full details, see Atlas Shrugs, "
NY Jihad Raid Goes National: Denver jihad plot suspect admits Al-Qaeda ties," and "FBI: Notes on Jihad bomb-making in Zazi [the nazi's] handwriting - Target NYC,"

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