Monday, October 5, 2009

Ann Althouse on 'Capitalism: A Love Story'

More anectodal evidence of the popularity of radical ideologies in the U.S. From Ann Althouse, "Some Thoughts on Seeing 'Capitalism: A Love Story'":

Moore shamelessly and repeatedly advocated the violent overthrow of the economic system. It was somewhat humorously or moderately presented — such as through the mouth of a cranky old man who was being evicted from his home — but it came across that Moore wants a revolution. He kept advising the workers — and the evictees — of the world to unite and shake off their chains.
Yeah, and of course Moore's a classic left-wing hypocrite. See Michelle Malkin, "Capitalism-Basher Used Non-Union Labor for Film." See also, "Millionaire Filmmaker Michael Moore: ‘Capitalism Did Nothing For Me’."

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