Monday, October 5, 2009

Are You America's Next Great Pundit?

Seriously, from the Washington Post, "America's Next Great Pundit Contest":

Think you have what it takes to be a great pundit? Put your opinions to the test -- and win the opportunity to write a weekly column and a launching pad for your opinionating career.

We’re looking for a fresh voice that we can set on a path to become the next byline in demand. And we'll be enlisting readers to help make the pick.

More details and entry form here.

Beginning on or about Oct. 30, ten prospective pundits will get to compete for the title of America’s Next Great Pundit, facing off in challenges that test the skills a modern pundit must possess. They’ll have to write on deadline, hold their own on video and field questions from Post readers. (Contestants won’t have to quit their day jobs, but they should be prepared to put in about eight hours a week for three weeks.) After each round, a panel of Post personalities will offer kudos and catcalls, and reader votes will help to determine who gets another chance at a byline and who has to shut down their laptop.
Kathy at Hummers & Cigarettes sent me the link. I don't, however, think I'm worthy. Actually -- and I'm serious -- Robert Stacy McCain should throw his hat in the ring. Say what you will about the guy him (except that he's a "racist," of course), the guy can write like writing went out of style!

Additional nominations, in no particular order:

Noah at Noah Johns.

Pat at
So It Goes in Shreveport.

Jimmy at
Sundries Shack.

Paco at
Pace Enterprises.

Lynn at
SWAC Girl.

Richard at
Three Bears Later.

Mike at
Cold Fury.

Kathleen at
Right Wing Sparkle.

Nikki at
Nikki's Blog.

William at Legal Insurrection

Pamela at
Atlas Shrugs.

Scott as Scott Kingsmore.

Stogie at Saber Point.

I'd also nominate Jules Crittenden, but he's already at the Boston Herald!

P.S. More links for blog buddies later! No selection criteria here whatsover!

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