Monday, October 5, 2009

Babe Blogging: Jessica Simpson's Operation Smile

It turns out that Jessica Simpson's gearing up for a new VH1 reality show, The Price of Beauty. And Ms. Simpson's also in the news following her appearance Friday at the charity ball for Operation Smile in Beverly Hills. I guess the "weight issue" is a big deal nowadays for her career, but she looks great to me:

In any case, I'm just following up my babelicious post from last weekend, "Babe Blogging: Britney Spears Bikini Pics." I actually did retire from full metal blogging (remember R.S. McCain?), but "babe blogging" is a great way to send some links back to folks who've recently linked to me.

And to remind folks, if you're surfing for the hotness,
Theo Spark's should be your first stop. And check out Camp of the Saints, "TCOTS Rule 5 Compliance Committee: Sophia Loren." Plus, for the mellow linkages, check Pat in Shreveport's, "Full Metal Jacket Saturday - The Octoberfest Edition."

Blazing Cat Fur's been linking me quite a bit, by the way, and I've actually been repaying the favor. Good practice, you now. Check out Paco Enterprises as well, "Obama Says We Will Not Walk Away From Afghanistan." And Pirate's Cove, "President Narcissist Angry At General McChrystal. Now With Surrender"!

Also, updates on the Rachel Maddow / R.S. McCain libel scandal: See, The Classical Liberal, "
Rachel Maddow’s Lying Cheap Shot!" And HotMES, Maddow, Upset With Slow Progress of Sex Change, Lashes Out at Stacy McCain."

In related race-card news, see Saber Point, "
Taking Out the Trash with JANEANE GAROFALO." Plus, Another Black Conservative, "Raaaaacism Industrial Complex Member Janeane Garofalo is at it Again." And Grandpa John's, "Garofalo is at it Again."

More good stuff at Nice Deb, "
MSNBC: Evil Wingnuts Cheering Obama’s Failure “Even If It Means Half The Country Dies”." And related, from Cold Fury, "The Agony of Defeat."

More hotties -- and hot links -- later!

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