Sunday, October 11, 2009

'HissySpit' - Neo-Communist at Daily Kos, DU - Allied with Global Anti-American Resistance

Here's more unsurprising evidence that the Democratic Party base is overrun by communist revolutionaries: It turns out that leftist blogger "HissySpit" has joined with Larisa Alexandrova in the latter's campaign of racist smear-mongering from yesterday. He's got an entry at his Democratic Underground page here. "HissySpit" is AKA "Cary Wilson." I found his name at CBS News, "Bloggers Work – And Socialize – Inside Denver’s “Big Tent”." And no surprise, he's also a major diarist at the anti-Semitic Daily Kos. A look there indicates that HissySpit's an activist in the global neo-communist/anti-American resistance movement. Notice how I don't say "antiwar movement." That's because HissySpit's allied groups provide blind support to insurgencies and resistance movements killing American troops abroad.

In a series of entries, HissySpit has announced solidarity with World Can't Wait, which
was identified earlier this decade as a "revolutionary communist movement that stages protests against the Bush administration." World Can't Wait allied with International ANSWER for last week's U.S. out of Afghanistan protest in Westwood. See my report here, "Code Pink's Jodie Evans: No 'Rethink' on Afghanistan - 'U.S. Troop Withdrawal Now' ... ANSWER Coalition Decries 'Criminal Occupation'." These groups are early backers of murderers Kim Jong-Il, Fidel Castro, and Slobodan Milosevic. The protests last week also called to "end the occupation of Palestine" -- these hardliners back the right of return for Palestinian refugees (and hence the terrorist destruction of the Jewish state). (See also, from 2005, San Francisco's WCW/ANSWER alliance poster, "March 19: Shut Down Berkeley Marine Recruiting Station.")

For full details, see HissySpit's entry at Daily Kos: "
Hearts And Minds - Afghanistan (graphic images warning)." That post links to the Manchester Stop the War Coalition, "Troops Out of Afghanistan -- National Demonstration." Also, see HissySpit's post, "PROTEST WEEKEND! - Collected Info on 3rd Anniversary of War Start-Up Protest & Rallies." That entry promotes World Can't Wait's March 2006 protest, "End the War! Drive Out the Bush Regime!"

Not nice people, obviously.

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