Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sarah Palin: Going Rogue Cover Shot, Book Description Now Available

TrogloPundit's been having fun with the Sarah Palin photo I posted the other day at my Going Rogue announcement. So perhaps now's a good time to say a few words about Ms. Palin ...

It turn's out that Fire Andrea Mitchell tweeted the cover-photo for the book jacket of the autobiograpy, Going Rogue: An American Life. I've posted the picture at the sidebar. Click here to pre-order. See also, Conservatives for Sarah Palin, "The Cover to "Going Rogue: An American Life"; Updated: Harper Collins Book Description Added."

There's also an interesting story up at Politico, "
Palin Co-Author: Evangelical, Partisan." It turns out that Palin's co-author is Lynn Vincent, who wrote Donkey Cons with Robert Stacy McCain:

There are at least three types of politicians' books. One is the overtly autobiographical, in which an aspiring candidate casts his or her life in heroic terms. Another is the careful, policy-heavy memoir. Some of those, like Obama's "The Audacity of Hope," feed public curiosity, but more often disappear without a ripple. (Remember John Kerry's "A Call to Service"? Didn't think so.) The more commercially promising sort is the third kind, the fire-breathing partisan tract.

Palin's choice of Vincent suggests that hers will be, emphatically, a partisan tract. And it is of a piece with a post-election posture in which the nation's most intensely popular, and most intensely unpopular, Republican has chosen to deepen her bond with her base at the cost of antipathy from the independent voters who decide presidential elections.

"Sarah Palin is not a Washington person - that's her whole schtick - so she's not going to get some inside the Beltway writer," said Sara Nelson, a longtime publishing industry watcher who is books editor of Oprah Winfrey's Magazine, "O."

"The success of this book will rise and fall on how much it appeals to the Christian right," Nelson said. She called Vincent "a smart choice," if a surprising one, given that Palin was represented in her dealings with publisher HarperCollins by the ultimate Beltway insider, lawyer Robert Barnett, who also handles Obama's book projects and those of dozens of other Washington eminences.
I'm betting interest is going to explode in upcoming weeks. I'm just LOVING that hyper-partisan angle. And Palin's going to start raking in so much PAC-cash it's ridiculous!

And, from
Glenn Reynolds, "SARAH PALIN’S BOOK remains #1 on Amazon. Quite impressive, given the media hostility."

Anyway, Smitty at The Other McCain's got some additional samples from the Troglopundit experiment, "
Sarah Palin AutoMotivator."

Plus, see my friend Dana over at "
Common Sense Political Thought," and also, Ginny Ray at Obi’s Sister, The Blog Prof, and The Rhetorican.

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