Saturday, October 10, 2009

Taliban Escalate Siege of Pakistan: Militants Hit Army HQ; 10 Die in Brazen Attack on Military's Nerve Center!

Well, this an unwelcomed update to my entry last night, "As Obama Dawdles, Taliban Mount Terrorist Offensive Across South Asia."

The Taliban continued their siege of South Asia Saturday morning with another brazen incursion, storming Pakistan's military headquarters and killing 6 soldiers, with 4 militants dead in the fighting. Here's the report at the Los Angeles Times:
In a brazen attack that struck the Pakistani military's nerve center, gunmen disguised in army uniforms broke into the grounds of the country's army headquarters in Rawalpindi on Saturday, sparking a furious firefight that left four attackers and six soldiers dead.

As of late Saturday afternoon, two of the gunmen remained at large on the army headquarters premises, military officials said.

The initial attack, which lasted about 90 minutes, illustrated the breadth of the militants' ability to launch attacks virtually anywhere in the violence-racked Muslim nation -- even the epicenter of Pakistan's vaunted security establishment.
Full details at the link.

And just in case it's not clear: THESE ARE TALIBAN MILITANTS!! Hello President Obama? No threat to Afghanistan's recovery? Say what? No threat to Afghanistan is no threat to America, right? God help us!

See also, the Washington Post, "
Gunmen Assault Pakistan Army Headquarters, at Least 6 Troops Dead." Plus, Right Truth, "Taliban Gunmen Invade Pakistan's Military HQ, Push Towards its Nuclear Arsenal."

I have been covering the
AF-PAK security crisis with increasing regularity. The Taliban South Asian offensive is the real thing. And the terrorists' timing couldn't have been better. With President Obama's Nobel Prize, the world community is looking for the U.S. to achieve "peace" in the region, and that's to be achieved by a redeployment of U.S. forces from Afghanistan. The appeasers in Oslo sent a message with the award: Don't escalate the mission President Obama. Repudiate the Bush administration's robust stand against terror. Join the international community in capitulating to evil. We've got your back in the court of public opinion. Indeed, this morning's New York Times asks, "What Does a Nobel Do for U.S. Leaders?" And we know the answer: It gives them cover to cut-and-run from the threatening storm of a hegemonic terrorist takeover. Meanwhile, we've got radical left journalists cheering on the president, not only for a surrender to terrorists, but for moving toward a unilateral U.S. nuclear disarmament ("God willling," they say). It's only a matter of time. We'll have another Mumbai for sure. And it's the next WMD Armageddon -- increasingly likely under this administration's watch -- that's going to come sooner rather than later.

No thread yet at
Memeorandum, but there should be -- a long one.

See also, Snooper Report, "Taliban Aren't A Threat To Anyone - REALLY?"

Added: Riehl World View, "Taliban Making Big Push In Pakistan?" And Atlas Shrugs, "Islam Attacks: Muslim Militants Hold Hostages After Storming Pakistan Army Headquarters."

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