Saturday, October 3, 2009

White Power! Janeane Garofalo Has Revealed My Secret!

Man, she's like a broken record! Janeane Garofalo, on this weekend's Bill Maher show, alleged "it's obvious to anybody who has eyes in this country that tea-baggers, the 9-12ers" are "clearly white power movements” led “by the Glenn Becks, the Michelle Bachmans, the Rush Limbaughs."

Geez, I guess I'm hiding my "white power" alliances pretty good! Don't show Janeane, but here's my picture from last October:

Dude, I'm down with the backwoods boys! Racist! AAAHHHH!!!! Grab the nooses men! We've got a black interloper in the White House!

Seriously, see JammieWearingFool, "
Why Garofalo's Comments Are Dangerous" (via Memeorandum).

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