Thursday, October 15, 2009

Zomblog: 'Memo to Media Matters'

I honestly loathe the leftist Obama shills at Media Matters, so it's a pleasure to read zombie's cool rebuttal to the Soros outfit's pathetic campaign against conservatives speaking out on "safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings.

See, "
Memo to Media Matters: Kevin Jennings Knew of Harry Hay’s NAMBLA Connections":

Media Matters –

You have recently assumed the attack-dog role in the Jennings/Hay/NAMBLA scandal, releasing a nonstop barrage of announcements condemning what you characterize as “right-wing smears.” Before you continue down this road, pause to consider the consequences of this strategy.

Don’t you understand that your efforts are counter-productive?

Why are you taking actions that will damage Kevin Jennings’ career and get the Obama administration entangled in an embarrassing scandal?

While some of the right-wing posts you cite (which you set up as strawmen to knock down) do indeed go overboard in their criticism of Jennings, that doesn’t mean that all the evidence in this case can be accurately dismissed as “smears.” Because at the core of the scandal, there are some very inconvenient facts which cannot be wished away (see below).

By advising Jennings to dig in his heels on a story that is only bound to grow in intensity, you are only exacerbating the problem. Enough evidence has already emerged (with more to surely emerge in the near future) that you should recognize the need for Jennings and the Obama administration to enter “crisis management mode”: In other words, they should get in front of the story, apologize, acknowledge mistakes, and vow to never repeat them.

Furthermore, your defense of Jennings is so weak, and so easily debunked, that you have now put your own reputation on the line, not just Kevin Jennings’.

But it’s not too late. I invite you, Media Matters, to join me in encouraging Kevin Jennings to make a public statement condemning Harry Hay in no uncertain terms, and to retract his earlier praise of him. Any action short of that — especially denying that the scandal has any substance at all — will only make the crisis grow.

Be sure to read the whole thing. The evidence presented by zombie is an indictment of the crazed partisan hackery that is the Democratic leftwing today.

Related: For background, check World Net Daily, "
Obama's 'Safe Schools' Chief Praised Child-Sex Promoter."

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