Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gaza Freedom March - Toronto

The announcement's from the"Gaza Freedom March Toronto - Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid." The Facebook page is here.

My good friend "Blazing" at Blazing Cat Fur attended the event. See, "I went to the Toronto "Gaza Freedom March" and all I got was a Qassam Rocket," and "Toronto Gaza Freedom March Photo's Part 2 - Enter The Crazies."

This photo pretty much sum things up:

More communists here:

Counterprotesters take issue with the Hamas-Qassam civilian-targeted rockets:
Qassam rockets -- named after Izz al-Din al-Qassam, the militant Syrian preacher and Muslim Brotherhood member killed in 1935 while fighting British and Zionist forces in Palestine -- are the most recent innovation in attacks on Israeli civilians. Hamas first introduced them in Gaza in September 2001, about a year after the start of the second intifada. Although Hamas has the most advanced rocket manufacturing and launching capabilities, other groups have made similar weapons a staple of their arsenals, including Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Quds rockets), the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (al-Aqsa rockets), and the Popular Resistance Committees (Nasser rockets).

See also, Kathy Shaidle, "Arnie and I went to the anti-Hamas counterdemo today."

Here's a piece from an anti-Israel source, Wendy Goldsmith, "Toronto Peace Activists March in Solidarity to End the Illegal Siege of Gaza." Also, "1300 Activists Converge on Cairo: We Are Blocked But We Will Not Be stopped," and "Egyptian Security Forces Detain Gaza Freedom Marchers at El-Arish."

More from the Financial Times, "
Cairo Blocks Gaza Aid Convoy," and Abu Dhabi's The National, "Campaigns to break the siege on Gaza."

See also the statement from the International Solidarity Movement (signed by Code Pink's Medea Benjamin), "
Open letter to President Mubarak from the Gaza Freedom March."

RELATED: Caroline Glick, at the "Jerusalem Post:

EVERY DAY the dangers to Israel's security and very survival mount. At this time, the government and the people of Israel need to be able to trust in the IDF's ability to defend the country. Rather than earning that trust, those tasked with our defense are spending their time berating the political leadership for their own failures. Moreover, they are expressing a disturbing desire to pass the buck on fighting Israel's enemies while aggressively hounding Israelis.

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