Friday, December 25, 2009

The Obamas Non-Christmas

ABC News reports on the president's family trip to Hawaii, "Obamas Begin Hawaiian Holiday, an Annual Tradition." The Obamas will not exchange gifts, although perhaps due to the earlier outcry, Malia and Sasha will receive presents after all. (See, "Obama's "Non-Religious" White House Christmas and No Christmas Gifts for his Kids.") Plus, presidential Christmas mass is out. Lynn Sweet has the story, "The Obamas Hawaii Christmas: Will it Include Church?" With Christian church services under the bus, the Astute Blogger notes that "Barack Hussein Obama is as Christian as is convenient to be." The president wouldn't miss a trip to the gym, however, the narcissist that he is. (See, "For the Obamas, Christmas Starts at the Gym.") And don't forget the communist Christmas tree ornament controversy. (See, "Obama's Tree Festooned with Evil.") Given that disaster, the theme of president's weekly address is no coincidence. See, HotAir Pundit, "Obama Weekly Address Makes a Point To Talk About the Ornaments on the White House Christmas Tree."

And previously, Obama left out any mention of God Our Lord in his Christmas cards this year. See, "Obama Christmas Card: No Mention of Christmas, Obama vs. Bush Christmas Card Side By Side."

None of this should be surprising. Mark Schmitt,
commenting yesterday on the Senate passage of the ObamaCare monstrosity, remarked:
I've always argued that Obama viewed his central domestic mission as changing the culture and practice of American politics. The passage of health reform is a revelation of just how desperately that change is needed and how difficult it will be to achieve.
Well, maybe not so difficult, if the wholesale rejection of American Christmas traditions are any indication.

Obama Will 'Recharge' on Hawaii Vacation" (via Memeorandum).

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