Thursday, December 24, 2009

Obama: 'Health Care Most Important Legislation Since Social Security Act'

Okay. Right.

At ABC News, "
Obama: Health Care Bill Would Be Most Important Legislation Since Social Security Act" (via):

President Obama praised the Senate's 60-39 passage of the $871 billion health care overhaul bill despite the fact that not a single Republican voted in favor following 24 consecutive days of often bitter debate and deep partisanship.

"This will be the most important piece of social legislation since the Social Security Act passed in the 1930's and the most important reform of our health care system since Medicare passed in the 1960's," said Obama, before leaving for his Christmas vacation in Hawaii, which he delayed until Senate passed the health care bill.

The president also hailed the legislation as the "largest deficit-reduction plan in over a decade," and added that he looks forward to working with both chambers of Congress "over the coming weeks" to bring a final bill to his desk.

All 58 Democrats and two independents voted for the health care bill, as expected, without any Republican support. Sen. Jim Bunning of Kentucky, who is retiring at the end of his term, was the lone Republican who did not vote.

In a celebratory press conference, jubilant Democratic leaders invoked the memory of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, whose wife Vicki watched the vote from the Senate gallery.

"This is a victory for the American people," Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said. "This morning's vote brings us one step closer to making Ted Kennedy's dream a reality."
Well, Dems better enjoy the partisan good times while they last. A reckoning is coming. See, "Voters Are Unhappy With the Economy, and Don't Think Obama Has Helped."

And about that deficit reduction, see Weasel Zippers, "
Senate Approves Raising Debt Ceiling Limit To $12.39 Trillion."

Dan Riehl's
fed up with the lies, "This is getting surreal. He either deserves to be called a liar straight out, or a clueless dilettante who really doesn't understand how dangerous he is."

Photo Credit: Moonbattery, "
Recession, Depression, Recovery."

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