Wednesday, December 23, 2009

While You Were Sleeping...

Opinionnation Man, an old blog buddy and frequent reader here, laid out an interesting argument against conservative bloggers at his post, "The Emergence of Right-Wing Lunacy":

I haven’t been following the political blogoshpere in some time. But when I made the rounds this week I was happy to find a divide between the right-wingers. I’m happy, but, not surprised ....

I noticed the role reversal immediately between the Left-Wing lunatics and the Crazy-Righties. I realized that the conservative backing of heavyweight blogs was a defense from the insanity of the left-wing minority. Because, the entire growth of political blogging came throughout the Bush Administration. And so I knew that once a democrat was in office, the rational arguments against left-wing propaganda would change into the same insane hate-fueled attacks that is the mainstay of liberal blogs.

That is one of the reasons I stopped blogging. I saw the way self-proclaimed rational thinkers attacked the character and patriotism of John McCain. And I made it clear then, that I did not want to be associated with the conservative blogoshpere. And I’m supportive of LGF and his effort to point out how bad the right-wing has become since President Obama took office.

Interesting, I wonder if Opinionnation Man is now posting over at Democratic Underground, "Sounds like someone has seen the light?":

Few bloggers have had quite as controversial a career as Little Green Football’s Charles Johnson. Johnson began blogging in earnest back in 2001 after the attacks on the twin towers, and continues putting out content at a furious pace nearly a decade later.

But the main reason I can’t march along with the right wing blogosphere any more, not to put too fine a point on it, is that most of them have succumbed to Obama Derangement Syndrome. One “nontroversy” after another, followed by the outrage of the day, followed by conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, all delivered in breathless, angry prose that’s just wearying and depressing to read.

Actually, sometimes conservatives are over the top. That said, I too was one of John McCain's biggest supporters in 2008 -- probably the first major blog to come out for The Maverick, and early. But McCain's patriotism's been wearing thin for a while. And now the former GOP presidential nominee is working to get more Dems to declare themselves RINO. See, "Huh: John McCain Once Again Stabbing GOP in Back Helping Sway Another Democrat to Defect." (And how's that Parker Griffith thing working out?)

No offense, but if my good friend Opinionnation Man's cool with that, I'm sure old C.J.'s glad to have another liberal join his "castigate-the-right" crusade. Or, maybe it's just time to wake up and smell the coffee.

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