Monday, January 4, 2010

Andrew Sullivan's Desperate, Stupid Photo-Smear Allegations

Glenn Reynolds has been absolutely hammering Andrew Sullivan lately. So what's a leftist to do? When all else fails, slap down the race card. Here's the Google blog search link, "Photo-Smearing Obama."

Or, check out Nice Deb:

Okay, what the heck?

Andrew Sullivan has has figured out how to turn this into a race issue, somehow?:

I tried to puzzle this one out and can just about see how an elusive photo of a tired Obama reacting to something unknowable might make him look tired or arrogant or something.

And then I realized why this photo immediately strikes some people are damning. Obama is a black man who looks as if he is condescending to a white man. That’s political gold.

Oh dear God! He deploys the overused race card, instead of noting the obvious – it’s Sunday, a slow news day. People need crap to blog about. Obama’s sour puss is as good as anything else out there.

I think it was Ann Coulter who recently said, that when it comes to Democrats and race relations, it’s perennially 1964.

I wrote about the Obama-Biden photograph yesterday. Race never came to mind. Arrogance did. But it's VERBOTEN to criticize Der Fuehrer, so out come the leftist stormtroopers.

For example:

* Demonic Ridicule Machine, "Law School Applications Take a Precipitous Drop."

* Lawyers, Gays and Marriage, "
Things Can Always Get Crazier."

* The Reaction, "
The Obama-Biden photo idiotically deconstructed 'round the conservative blogosphere."

* Roy Edroso, "

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