Friday, January 1, 2010

Best Tea Party Signs of 2009!

Now that's a "top-ten" list I could get my grubby little right-wing terrorist fingers around!

Actually, I've saw so many phenomenal signs last year I probably couldn't come up with a top-ten list. But Michelle has a post from yesterday that's inspiring, "
Best of 2009: Tea Party sign of the times." She's got a sign there that says, "Reduce Your Government Footprint."

But I found this one today, "
How's This For Community Organizing" (courtesy of "Washington DC, You Work For Us"):

And come to think of it, each new tea party brings out a new set of signs, addressing a new set of angles on the issues -- it's just a delight to behold (and scares the bejesus out of the Dems).

RELATED: From Politico, "
GOP Banks on Repeal Push for 2010," via Memeorandum.

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